Hubql for building webhooks

Building webhooks can be a hassle when you depend on feedback from other stakeholders or external partners to clarify endpoint payloads and field requirements. With Hubql you can easily setup a webhook receiver and share payloads with others to get quick and precise feedback building your webhook integration.

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The challenge of integrating webhooks

Webhooks are a great way to integrate with other systems keeping data in sync or build side-effects for events in your or third party systems. Integrating a webhook requires understanding both the business and technical requirements posing challenges in communicating and keeping everyone in sync. While engineers understand payloads and JSON very well, less technical stakeholders might not be familiar with JSON or the structure of the payload. This can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the payload structure and field requirements hence delays or higher implementation cost.

Introducing Hubql for webhooks

With Hubql you can receive webhooks and share the payload with others to get quick and precise feedback building your webhook integration. Get instant feedback or collaborate in real-time as your build integrations with external or internal team members. Huqbl reduce idle waiting time and enables you to unblock your work get data in the right format.

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