Release version 1.1

Published: 2023-12-08


After our big release in November, we are not standing still and happy to introduce our latest release version 1.1, which introduces several new features for you:

XML file support (experimental)

We are introducing a new file type support for XML to visualize XML schemas and files.

XML is a widespread file format still today heavily used for APIs or data structure or schema definitions, for example in SOAP APIs.

Hubql's support for XML will look familiar to you if you have tried our JSON visualization before. The XML visualization uses the same graph view for XML files.‍

Our XML support is still experimental, and we would appreciate your feedback and ideas to improve the XML support in Hubql.

Here is an example of a simple XML schema that has been visualized in Hubql:

XML visualization
XML visualization

Beyond the current support for XML files, we are also looking into supporting XML schemas in the future to visualize files based on a schema definition together with our upcoming multi-file support.

Field-related notes

In version 1.0, we introduced documentation notes, but they lacked context, so today, we are introducing field-related notes.

With field-related notes you are able to add additinal information to specific fields in your data model. This helps you to add further explenation and to go beyond the limited comments in your code. We think that this will provide you and your team with greater collaborative capabilities.

Field-related notes are also saved in their previous location on drag stop.

Here a small example to add small TODO notes to a data model for quick iteration in a discussion for example:

Field-related notes to plan or document
Field-related notes to plan or document

Show/hide children in JSON and XML

Today, we also launch the ability to show/hide children in the JSON visualization view.

You can click a link icon to toggle the visibility of the children of a node in the JSON or XML graph.

This helps to consume large JSON files and focus on the relevant parts of the JSON file.

See below example how looks like for a complex JSON file:

Show/hide JSON and XML children
Show/hide JSON and XML children

We have more improvements planned for the JSON visualization view in the future to make it even easier to browse and consume large JSON and XML files.

UX Improvements

We did not just add new features in this release, but continue to invest in a better user experience for you using Hubql.

  • Performance dragging notes and graph elements have been improved
  • Drag and drop files from your computer to upload them to Hubql
  • Smaller rendering of notes to make them less intrusive
  • Additional context menu items to create comments and notes
  • Save position of your layout, such as the width of the code editor


For the upcoming releases, we are currently investing more time in improving the editor experience. This includes Prisma language support, introducing of SQL file support and further export enhancements, such as API based access or the publishing to GitHub comments.

Stay tuned as we close this year with another release in December still.


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